Tuesday 1 March 2016



During this workshop we had Finger Industries Creative Director Jonny Ford to take us through all there is to know about thumb nailing and storyboarding. He showed us some examples of storyboards and then we got into groups. He gave us a script where we had to create thumbnails for each scene. At first i thought this would be kind of hard cause I am not really good at rough and quick sketching but it turned out to be really easy. His advice to keep it simple and clear also helped a lot.  


After that, we had to take each scene and create a more detailed picture (storyboard). I likes that part better because we could use colour and shading as well to make the scene more detailed. 
Each one of us got a scene, I worked on scene 3, and the results were really cool. You could see 4 different drawing styled which was really amazing for me, made me realise that each of us has different style but it doesn't mean that one style is better than the other. It's what makes us unique I guess. 


Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

I really enjoyed working in a group because the idea generation is better and the imagination is running wild. Everyone was saying their opinion and at the end we could combine parts of each ideas and put the together for a final idea.

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