Monday 29 February 2016

Workshop 1 : Rob's Life Drawing


During this workshop, Rob introduced us to Joanna Quinn who is an animator, He played us some clips of her drawing, showing us her technique and giving us tips on how to draw quick a human body. 

After that, we had a woman pose for us, and we had to draw those poses in 15 minutes. We had to draw two poses for this task and the main pint was to learn how to draw the negative space that we see in order for the body to stand out. 

Then we did 1 minute sketching of different poses. We had to try and catch the essence of the pose.

Then we talked about key poses, taking reference from the book "The Animators Survival Kit".  After that the model did three key poses in an action where she was getting up from the ground, walking and sitting on the chair. The first key pose was the model sitting down, then standing up right before she sat on the chair, and lastly, sitting on the chair. 

I found this workshop really helpful for my practice as an animator. It made me realize that I need to practice more on  my life drawings. I hope we will do more life drawing lessons in the future.

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