Wednesday 24 February 2016

The client is the boss...or at least let him believe that.

The client is the boss...or at least let him believe that.

PEST Analysis

You're product must be political and socially acceptable and it had to be economical and technologically physical

SWOT analysis

You can't tell the strengths and the weaknesses of an internal company.
Stick to opportunities and threats.
If you are going to analyze a company you don't go into a long discussion, you must do only bullet points and always write in your own words.

Product Life Cycle

*Think more strategically about a project

Innovators: Promote the new product with people who are interested in that product. Think about the design, to what people are after.
Early adopters: People who can afford the product. Know your competition. Trust your view of point so others have more confidence in what you are trying to sell them.

Design Audits

These are more difficult to access, often occurring after an event.

  • Right talents
  • Right team structure - or recognize where problems may be
  • Involve all parties
  • Ensure management info
  • Encourage collaboration
  • Resolve problems quickly
  • Ensure effective communication

Peter's Lectures are so insightful. They really did help me get a better understanding of the business world and how things work, what it takes to be successful, the steps you need to take and the things you need to consider in order to sell your product.

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