Wednesday 24 February 2016

Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Peter Norris

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

  1. Psychological (Food, Water)
  2. Safety (Shelter, defense)
  3. Belongingness (Relationships, family, home, sex)
  4. Esteem & status (Power, respect,worth)
  5. Self-actualization (personal values)
Which Product?

Memory: Good/Bad/Indifferent/long term/short term
What is the aesthetic of the particular market?
Emotion: Hedonism - live with guilt? Conscience? Love?
Genetics: Men vrs Women - Men act better in groups and women in one on one.
Range of choice
Attitude to risk
Nature of the problem: Routine, simple vs complex, low/high involvement.
Religion/Belief Structures
Legal issues
Other views: Peers, friends, family
Financial issues

*These are the things that affect how people view purchasing a product. You have to be aware of them.*

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