Wednesday 24 February 2016

Noise / Interference - Peter Norris lecture

Noise / Interference 

Sender -> Message -> Encode -> Transmit -> Decode -> Receive

->In the design you are doing to change something? Is it going to have an effect on somebody?

->Knowing where you are heading is 90% of the problem.

  • Sex
  • Emotion
  • Memory
  • Experiences
  • Learning
  • Social
  • Psychological
  • Age
You have to understand all this different aspects of the mental state, They have an effect on people.

If I'm going to be talking in a certain group I have to think what they are thinking? What are their aspects?

Knowing the environment you are going to be working in it is critical.

*Background and nature of people are different.

Aims: Long Term, profit/returns, survival, growth, company durability
Focus: People systems
Thinking style: Serialist, linear, analyst, problem orientalist
Behavior: Pessimistic, adaptive
Culture: Conformity, cautious 

Aims: Crafts, Arts, Visual, Geometric
Thinking style: Holistic, lateral synthesis, solution led
Behavior: Optimistic, innovative
Culture: Diversity, experimental

The manager needs to hear your justification for your design.
You have to remember if you have confidence about someone is because he is confident about you.
Don't be scared to be brutal to the crowd.
Make sure they understand what you are saying. Ask questions.
When you are going to start a project, you going to have to justify it from the start.

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