Wednesday 24 February 2016



In this workshop Nick asked us to create our own unique typography to go with one phrase of our choosing. He made us write down different phrases staring with "I am" and then chose one. After that we had to experiment with different styles of typography and later on draw it in grid paper. I chose the phrase "I am a free spirit" because as an artist and a person I feel and suits me perfectly. 

After we've chosen our typography we were asked to draw the letters in 16 pages and later on experiment with them in order to create something creative. So what I did first, I drew the letters with the shapes with a black marker and later on I erased the pencil outline to leave the shapes. I was so satisfied with the outcome.It looks so tribal and it matches perfectly with the phrase I chose.

 After, I decided to get black paper and cut out the shapes and glue them instead of drawing them,to make it more interesting.

This is the final outcome.

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