Wednesday 24 February 2016



Jay's Studio Practice 

During Jay's studio, we learned to lip sync. basically we had to match the audio with the moving lips of the character. 

At first we were given an audio sound and we edited it in Adobe Audition, putting marks to separate words and letters to make the lip sync easier in the process. After that we were given X-Sheets to brake down the dialogue and a Mouth Shape (Phoneme) template to draw the mouth shapes and eye movements.


Mouth Shape (Phoneme) template 
After we finished this process, we went to Adobe Photoshop. We cropped out the head of the character into a new document and the eyes and mouths into separate layers. After that, we created a timeline where the head was, added new video layers and added the mouth shapes and eyes where they were meant to be according to the audio. 
Once you got used to it, it was a quite easy thing to do. All you had to do was to look at the the X-Sheet and Mouth shape template to decide which shape to put, and then everything was sorted out. 
I enjoyed this workshop very much, it was very interesting and helpful for my future progress in animation. Now I know how to create my own animations with moving lips and I am deffinetly going to use this method in my upcoming projects. 

Extra work: 
Before I created this animation, I was doing some character design, and I came up with this character, called Phill, and I thought it would be fun if i used him for this workshop. It was a chance to bring him to life! 

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