Wednesday 24 February 2016

Emigre Magazine - Spencer Roberts Lecture

Emigre Magazine

What is like to be a dislocated culture? 
-> Trying to have a dialog with the UK
-> Focus upon liminality - "inbetwenness"

Technological influence
-Apple Macintosh -> exploited the quirks and possibilities of software toproduce a new innovative design language. 

-Writers, artists who live, or had lived outside their country of origin. 

-Massimo Vignelli: "A national calamity" "An aberration of culture" 
-David Carson: Designers who had once championed their work for its aggressiveness began to condemn it as too readily identifiable, and therefore unusable. 
-Stephen Heller: "A blip in the continuum" "cult of the ugly"

Albums: They had legions with other artists.
-Style: Distinctive typography (rich, playful, experimental constructed) 
They are known to have an evolving diverse style.
Collaborations with: Designers Republic, David Carson, Experimental Setset'

What is it so distinctive about Emigre?
  • Shows political debate -> Formal design issues (type, composition)
  • Technological effect on page design
  • Reflection: political-social shifts in art, Culture-mass communication
  • Grids, provocative clutter, visual forms of anarchy.
  • Monotony of "international Style"
  • Broadly Post-modern
  • Challenged modernist status quo. 
Emigre was famous for the letters to the editor "Dear Emigre".
-Discussions between writers and readers
-Essay-length submissions
-Audience: Graphic Designers - Typography

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