Wednesday 24 February 2016

Collide - Idea Generation

IDEA 1 - Wire Sculpture

I was looking on Pinterest for inspiration and I came across some wire sculptures from some artists that I found really interesting. Some of them were really simple and some other were really complicated, but one thing they had in common was that all of them portrayed a message, a clear image of what the artist was trying to send to the observers. 
I thought that it would be both interesting and creative to try to do my own 
wire sculpture as my physical outcome, maybe not that complex but definitely in a way that I can portray my idea, colliding the three themes. Maybe I can start from the bottom showing a figure, which is supposedly me, holding a pencil and then building in upwards, show where I see my self in 10 years, family and career wise, and what makes me happy in the same time.

Martin Senn

Gavin Worth

David Oliviera

Barbara Licha

IDEA 2 - Photoshop Poster

My second and final idea is to do a poster combining the three themes all into one picture. I am going to use Photoshop and Illustrator to experiment on some possible outcomes. 

How did I come up with this idea?
I was looking into some Photoshop tutorials the other day and I came across a tutorial about Double Exposure Photography and I found it really interesting. So I went on Pinterest and I looked up ideas for double exposure photography and how they can be used for posters, and I got really inspired and motivated to try it out myself using the collide brief. After that, I came across some other interesting photography techniques that you can use in Photoshop to create amazing posters. 

IDEA 3 - Animation

Animation ideas

-Interview between me and my friend talking about what makes us happy and where we see ourselves in the future.
-Interview a few people asking them questions about happiness
-Animate myself and my evolution towards the future

Inspiration on Vimeo

What makes you happy? from Jon Rawlinson on Vimeo.

What makes you happy? from Yvonne Zagermann on Vimeo.

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