Wednesday 24 February 2016

Brief: Collide - Research

About the Brief

We have three themes: Happiness, Our future self in 10 years, Internet and Digital Age.  We are meant to take these three themes and create a collision. After a broad research and experimentation on these themes, we’re gonna narrow our ideas down into something creative and unique. The outcome must be digital and physical.

When I think about happiness, I picture myself with a pencil on my hand. I guess happiness for me is the ability to draw and to do what I love. In addition to that, I expect to see myself in 10 years being a successful animator or concept artist working in a big company in England or America. When I think about the Internet and the Digital Age my mind goes straight to all of the social media like Instagram, Pinterest and even Facebook where people can share their art while other people can observe it and get inspired.The idea of this broad communication between artists fascinates me. I love going on Instagram or Pinterest and discovering new artists and getting inspired and motivated by other their work.k. So for me, even though I find a lot of negative aspects about the internet and the digital age, the ability to do that is one of the positive parts of it.

The three themes:
Every time I’m feeling blue or stressed, I draw. It makes me forget everything negative and it makes me relax. It can be anything, a small doodle, a painting, something digital, whatever it is it has the power to make me feel better about anything. That is why I want to do this everyday for the rest of my life. I want to make drawing my profession so every time I go to work I don’t feel like it’s a chore. I want to become an animator, a concept artist, working in the big industries like Walt Disney Studios, DreamWorks. PIXAR and so on. The  internet nowadays makes a big impact on artists like me. Everyday it motivates me and it inspires me to become better in what I’m doing. Social media like YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest are doing that. Everyday I go through different artists accounts and look at their work, or I am searching new art techniques, tutorials on Photoshop, anything that will help develop my skills and expand my knowledge.

I believe to be happy in life is the most important thing you could ever achieve. Some people struggle with finding happiness or they suffer from depression. Some people search for happiness in the wrong places, such as drugs, wrong relationships, sex and materialistic possessions.

To be truly happy, one must find and love himself. Release all negative energy and thoughts from his mind and find beauty in the little things in life. Be grateful for all the things he already has and count the blessings of his everyday life. Stop complaining about the things he can’t have and focus on the things that he already has. Peruse his dreams and goals with passion and dedication and believe that one day they will become reality. Understand that relying his happiness on other people other than himself is the number one mistake that leads to unhappiness. Being able to make yourself happy is amazing.

Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you see someone you love.
Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you see your parents smiling.
Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you achieve a goal you set for your life.
Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you eat warm pancakes in the morning.
Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you have the first sip of coffee.
Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you finally lay your head on your pillow after a long day. Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you do the thing you love.
Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you make someone else happy.
Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you dancing in the rain.
Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you play in the snow.
Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you finish a painting.
Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you buy new shoes.
Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you hang out with your friends.
Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you pet a puppy.
Happiness is a feeling you feel inside when you cuddle at night with the one you love.

After watching Stefan Sagmeister’s “Happiness by Design”, where he talks about the moments that made him happy and later on choosing which of these moments had to do with design, I decided to make list of my own of the things that make me happy and a list of the things that I don’t like and then choose some of them to design something creative. 

In 10 years I’m going to be 30.

By then I see myself doing the job that I love, which is being an animator in a successful company. I hope I have worked at least two years at Walt Disney Studios, Pixar or DreamWorks and traveled to the places I wanted to visit by that time. Being married with children. Having my own place and living in England.

I see myself growing to the person that I want to be – independent, smart, skillful and successful.


These are some of my favorite Instagramers that I am inspired by their work:


Pinterest for me is one of my biggest source of inspiration. motivation and sometimes somewhere I go when I want to find tutorials about how to draw something or how to make something physical.

Every day I go on Pinterest, scrolling down, looking at drawing, concept art, animation clips, illustrations, which I make sure to pin on my boards in case i want to look back to them when I want to use them as reference or get inspiration from them.
It helped me develop my drawing skills a lot and it made me feel more creative when it comes to illustrating and drawing.

On Pinterest you can find almost anything you are looking for. That’s why I think It’s one of the internet’s master piece and the digital age. Aspiring artists like me will definitely appreciate the Internet a little bit more when it can be this helpful and it can provide you with all this precious information that back in the early days, people couldn’t get their hands onto.

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