Tuesday 15 March 2016


Questions that will narrate the conversation in the animation.

Calyne's answers

What makes you get up in the morning ?
The thought of achieving my dreams gets me up in the morning. I want to be able to travel the world and become a well known and famous Animator, Manga artist,  illustrator and Concept artist.

What makes you happy?
The little things in life make me truly happy, I love laying in nature on a warm summer afternoon doing nothing but cloud gazing and also stargazing and going for midnight walks on a full moon. Late night phone calls where you talk about anything and everything holding nothing back just laying your thoughts on the ground and connecting on a deeper level with another human being. Being with my closest friends, bonding and being as crazy as we can be without a care in a world. Staying up watching nothing but anime and then taking afternoon naps. Being able to succeed in an astral projection and lucid dream. But most of all I’m happiest when drawing and being creative. I’m at peace when creating new art and finding new ways to improve and grow as an artist.

To become the greatest version on myself.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I see my self with my own animation company 00, still travelling and very wealthy leaving an exciting, adventurous, fulfilled life.

Quote you live by:
To thine own self be True.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall have no fear.
Peace, Love and all the good stuff

Ioanna's answers

What makes you get up in the morning?
The thought of a new day, new opportunities, chance to start again. Chance to be creative and to get closer to my goal.

What makes you happy?
Breakfast in the morning, meeting up with my friends, drawing, and most of all travelling.

To become a great artist, successful, happy and make my parents proud.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I see myself working in an animation company probably in America or somewhere abroad, wealthy and married!

Quote you live by?
Best things come when you least expect them.
Nothing is over until it’s over.
Everything is temporary. Good and Bad.

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