Wednesday 24 February 2016

RSA: Stage 1 - Reaserch

After having a look at the briefs, I instantly chose Motion Pictures. As an animation student this brief intrigued me the most because it challenges us to step out of our comfort zones, use our imagination and creativity to produce a small animation clip that would represent the given audio.
I find this challenge really interesting because the purpose of this animation is to bring awareness to the world, to try and find a solution to a certain problem that is currently affecting our generation and probably the future generation as well. We have a chance to influence the world using our design and talent.

What is a Motion Picture 
 Motion picture, also called film or movie, is a series of still photographs on film which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images. A film is created by photographing actual scenes with motion picture camera; by photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation techniques such as CGI and computer animation.
For me Motion Pictures, the art of animation, is one of the greatest accomplishments in our history. It’s a work of art because it takes a lot of effort, patience, talent and imagination for someone to create a piece of motion picture, weather that is an animation or a movie.
Therefore, I am thrilled that I have the chance to test my skills and create my own piece animation, that will not only push me out of my comfort zone but it will also help to find a solution to one of our society’s problems and help to built a better future.

Towards an educational (R)evolution. 

Key Words: Imagination, creativity, innovation, future, material, life, dreams, built, children, experiences, education, teachers, race, country, possibilities, unity, goals, success, jobs.

My understanding of the audio (Summary) 
What the speaker is trying to explain is that, our education system must teach children how to imagine and built a better future for themselves. Make them understand that no matter who hey are and what their dream is, it can become reality if they are willing to pursue it. If they can imagine it, they can have it. Education, teachers, should provide the children with the necessary tools and experiences, show them how they can build a brighter future, so they can later on learn to do it on their own. Sometimes dreams might seem unreachable and impossible to come true, but the role of a teacher is to teach exactly this: dreams can come true, no matter how big or small, no matter what you have experienced so far or where you’re from. That is what unites everyone across the education spectrum

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