Wednesday 24 February 2016

Open work of Uberto Eco - Rob Lycett's Lecture

Open work of Uberto Eco 

During Rob's lecture we talked about the importance of bibliography and how we are suppose to write it in our essay.

After that we discussed the open work of Uberto Eco while reading our overviews of the 11 pages we were assigned to do as homework.

 A musician must follow the instructions of the composer. When he works on a piece he can choose how to work on it, impose his judgment on it but he is not to alter it. Deciding how long to hold a note or in what order to group the sounds, leads to an improvised creation. 

Open work: Requires to be separated from other conversational applications of this term.

What are your thoughts about the open work?
I think the open work is all about the freedom to express your self and be creative. It's about how you take an original piece and turn it into something that defines you. You choose how it will be produced to the audience but you must follow the instructions of the original piece. I believe that the open work is important for an artist because it explains to him that he/she is free to apply his judgment on a piece, and improvise to change it into something really creative and unique.

In what way do you think that open works are poetic?
One of the characteristics of poetry is that each and everyone of them have a back story, a unique touch and a poet behind it who expressed himself through words so the world would understand him better. In poetry you have the freedom to write whatever you want and the is this openness about that makes you wanna create something amazing. You can write something about your life, about love, about pain, about anything, be inspired by something else and make it yours to later on produce to the world. Poets judge the world around them, they write about facts and culture, and they try to make the world a better place. So I'm guessing the same thing stands for the open works. Being able to express yourself freely and without limitations, in some way, makes you responsible to make the world a more open and creative place. 

How would you contextualize the open work to your practice? 
By reading and discussing the open work, it encouraged me to think more outside the box,to be more open-minded. The freedom for an artist to be creative plays an important role to his career and especially when he is assigned to a project. So for my practice, I will have in mind to respect the original works of other artists and to be ready to use them are inspiration to create something of my own. 

Key Words:

Completeness, Openness, no limits, creativity, imagination, judgement, creative, imaginary, choice, self-exploitation, freedom, unique, culture, expression, emotion, poetic, improvised, open-minded, narrow-minded. 

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